Our resident Italian food expert, Rosetta Ferrari, talks all things delicious on the World Food Travel Association's podcast - Eat Well, Travel Better

If you've been keeping on top of all of Authentic Adventures' news, you'll know that we recently launched a partnership with TV foodie favourite Gregg Wallace on a range of amazing Italian Food Holidays

However, we'll bet you didn't know that our resident Italian food and culture expert, Rosetta Ferrari (pictured below), worked to create these surprising, bespoke itineraries alongside Gregg. Born in London to Italian parents, Rosetta spent her young life in and around the food industry, later relocating to Italy. Now, back in the UK, she works with us to design food holidays that will showcase the country's authentic cuisine, from peasant dishes and street food, to modern interpretations of classic recipes, and they are a true privilege to experience. 

Rosetta was recently invited to appear as a guest on the World Food Travel Association's podcast, Eat Well, Travel Better, where she talked with Erik Wolf - founder of the WFTA, and Aaishi Vel about why authentic cuisines ultimately beget fusion dishes, why promoting regions instead of entire countries can help combat overtourism, and why regional cuisines are more important in many cases than national cuisines. And, of course, Rosetta revealed her answer to the ultimate question: why is travel the best education?

To listen to Rosetta's fascinating podcast episode, just click here now. 


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Our resident Italian food expert, Rosetta Ferrari, talks all things delicious on the World Food Travel Association's podcast - Eat Well, Travel Better was published on 30 January 2019